Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Sorry, it has been a while my friends and really I just have no excuse this time. We just recently got back from CO this fourth of July, and it was super busy. I guess that's what you should expect when your not so "little" sister gets married. Alex and Sam got married at this beautiful place filled with gardens, it truly was a beautiful wedding. I'm so glad that we got to be a part of that. As the youngest sister, she was just chill about everything and me the oldest sister was freaking out about every detail of this wedding, as I look back I wonder why did I stress my self out so much? anyhow, at the end it was beautiful thanks to our amazing friend Lisa who has an awesome eye an incredible attention to detail. Well it was a bittersweet day for me, because in a way I felt my little sister was so grown up! She is one of my best friends, and even though we live many States apart we are still really close. I just pray that God blesses them and guides them through this life, and I'm so glad that she found the one that God created for her. Here are a few pictures of that day. Congrats Alex & Sam!


We 2 Bees said...

I am sad I missed seeing you! I know you were super busy and I just missed you at church. The pictures are beautiful! Thanks for sharing!

The Websters said...

I know! I missed you. I hope school is going fast for you.

Lisa said...

Mel - I just read this. Thank you! You were so helpful, and I loved seeing you. Still praying you guys back HOME! Love you so much!